Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am staying at Mongkok for 2 nights and now i am at the front office of the hostel that provides internet service. It is quite cheap, 25 dollar pernight per person. I have been to the Ladies Market and it is marvellous, a long whole stretch of 10 times of Petaling Street. The stuff here are cheap, even cheaper than Malaysia and Singapore if you know how to bargain. The people here are nice and friendly, at least more friendly than the Cantonese in KL. I went to eat Dim Sum too. I wonder how much weight i have gained. haha!! but I will compensate it. Haha,. that's all for now. I am gonna go to Temple Market, another version of Petaling Street I guess. Will post up photos if I am able to take nice pictures.

1 comment:

鱼尾诗 said...

Hope u guys are having lots of fun!! U actually can walk from Mongkok (Ladies Market) to Temple St to Tsimshatsui to the Star Ferry Pier. And there's lots to see and buy during that walk! If u want to buy electronics, it's also cheaper in HK than Sg. Abt 10 - 20%.