Thursday, May 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. Believe or not the world is so small. I bumped into Mandy and San Duo while I was waiting for Ai Wei today at Tanah Merah mrt. Ha! Mandy was my Japanese Marketing course mate and San Duo just live opposite me in Temasek Hall. Sigh!!

2. Sometimes, I think the walls, the trees and any objects and creatures around me are my best friends to listen to me. Whenever I need to express something from my heart, I would instantly express it through waive and they will be the first one to get it. Sigh!! not even this e-diary because I will never be able to write it down anymore once it has been out from my mind. Weird, but that's me.

3. Recently, I have been a good house husband. Haha!! I think it is fun somtimes to do household chores. I think is great too if we as males are able to do what women can do. Ok, I know there are certain things that females can do and we, males certainly cannot do. But to be able to enlighten your wife's burden, don't you think is good? Ok, females out there, you should find your counterpart like me ok? Not only wanting to be the breadwinner of the family in the future, but also able to cook and do housework. Oops!! self-praise, international disgrace. Haha!! my friend's favourite line. But I guess the criteria is good right? Haha!! Of course the alternative ways is to hire a maid but I dislike that. Ha! weird again!!

4. Is the word "marriage" is as simple as you spell and write it out "m.a.r.r.i.a.g.e" Marriage and commitments are always in pair. My friend told me that if she is to get married to a guy, she must be able to stand the him and he in turn must be able to stand her. I agree with her. Marriage is not just exchanging the rings and do all the kissing stuff in front of the priest. When enter marriage, the two must realize that the marriage covenant they are making before God is a lifetime commitment. Yes! Marriage is one of the 7 holly sacraments. Once you are at the R.O.M, that's it! That's why couples went through boy-girlfriend relationship. It is to test how far we can commit to each other. I hate couples got divorce when they can't commit anymore. Then why you choose to get married. Worst still, if you already have children. It leaves great trauma to them. To live without the love of another party is so terrible. And how would the children feel when they see their friends having their parents beside them. Sigh!!

5. And I would appreciate everything that is around me. I would rather the one being hurt than I hurt them.

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